Our goal is to create great beer that draws inspiration from traditional styles, modern ideas, the highest quality ingredients, and local partnerships. We believe beer should be balanced in the way that it highlights all of its ingredients yet tastes greater than the sum of those parts.
Drawing on centuries of brewing tradition & styles, we work relentlessly to build upon and add to the shared foundation of flavors, aromas, and expectations of what beer is.
Through experimentation with fruits, spices, and other flavors, we aim to extend the flavor profile of beer while always asking ourselves “could I drink a second pint of this?”
By sourcing malts, hops, yeast, and fruits from some of the best growers and producers in the world, we lay the foundation for the most flavorful and varied beers possible.
From harvesting hops at our neighborhood community garden to brewing with locally roasted coffee, we work with and share ideas with the best producers in Chicago.