Day 14: Ryan

Day 14: Ryan norris, Lo Rez Team




: @couplermusic



“When I started at Lo Rez, I would typically do commercial deliveries to restaurants, bars, groceries and liquor stores 3-5 days a week and work in the taproom 2-3 days a week. Since the pandemic, we deliver 1-2 days & I am behind the bar on Mondays, Tuesdays & Saturdays. Quarantine has allowed me to hang at home more, especially since going-out activities are largely on hold. My partner Mia and I do a lot of cooking, playing games, watching movies, and listening to records. She’s working from home, taking classes for her Public Policy Master’s online and analyzing data for her Neurobiology PhD. Maintaining a few taproom and delivery shifts has helped me stay sane…any structure is welcome. 

I have a few projects in the hopper at the moment, mostly under the banner of my Coupler music project. My main focus is finishing a full length album in collaboration with my studio/bandmate Michael Hilger (my Nashville bandmates Rodrigo Avendaño and Rollum Haas have also contributed). The other major project is getting a live recording of Coupler’s score for Japanese director asujirō Ozu's silent noir Dragnet Girl into shape for potential streaming. 

Otherwise I’ve been collaborating with friends, my pal Nick Butcher of Sonnenzimmer, and Nashville friend Ben Marcantel of Sugar Skulls. Overall, I’d say my motivation and ability to be creative is mixed. I’ve gotten a lot done because of free time but it doesn’t feel like enough. It never does. The ennui of quarantine has weighed on me and sometimes I’ll go days without doing much. Music has always been therapeutic to me but lately it’s become more of a coping mechanism than ever; order from disorder. Having a studio space has helped a lot though … previously I’ve been doing most of my work in the second bedroom, but I don’t do well working from home. It’s easy to get distracted by chores, cats, anything really.

I'm lucky to be in a stable enough life situation to have not been too adversely effected by quarantine. Yes, being stuck at home all the time isn't my favorite, having to wear gloves and a mask is no fun, and the constant hand-washing and sanitizing are tedious. I could list plenty of things I dislike about the current situation, but so many people have it so much worse. It's hard to complain.

Because of the suddenness and severity of the lockdown I think we have an opportunity, at both the personal and societal level, to think deeply about the things and people we want to allow back into our lives after this is all over. This is time for a serious reassessment and restructuring. I hope we can move forward with wisdom.”

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Dave Dahl